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Kindergarten Children Learning Music Using Various Colorful  Instruments. Learning Music f

Harmonious Little Notes

Friday 15th March - St. Patrick's Day

Let's have a St. Patrick's Day Party! Just like all over the world, we will explore how St. Patrick's Day is celebrated in many different places, and have our own party!

Clover Cookies

Friday 12th April - Space

The 12th April is the "International Day of Space Flight". We will be exploring this by singing some songs about space to some familiar melodies and doing a mini 'science experiment' about craters on the moon!

Science Museum Space Exploration

Friday 26th April - Earth Day

Earth day is on 22nd April. We will be exploring how we can look after the planet, the animals and each other. We will also be using our own hands to create a 'hand print' earth picture. 

Easter Eggs

Friday 22nd March - Easter

It's time for new life... and chocolate! We will explore common themes around Easter and sing some Easter themed songs. We will also be making an easter bonnet for you to take home and share with everyone.

Easter Eggs

Friday 19th April - Birthday's

A wonderful fun filled party day, exploring how birthdays are celebrated and looking at lots of different birthday traditions. We will also be reading the delightful book "Every Bees Birthday"

Birthday Surprise

Friday 3rd May - Spring

A time of new life and new beginning. We will explore this beautiful time of year and think about all the wonderful things we can see and experience related to spring. We will also be creating some spring themed paper chains. 

Spring Buds
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